My recent postings:

2024 June
It's been a while (but yay! new server)
2020 November
2020 June
2020 May
2020 April
2020 Feburary
2020 January
2019 December
2019 November
2019 October
2019 September
2019 August
2019 July
2019 June
2019 March
2019 Feburary
2018 May
2017 July
2017 March
2017 Feburary
2016 November
2015 June
2015 May
2015 March
2015 Feburary
2014 September
2014 April
2014 Feburary
2013 July
2013 June
2013 May
2013 March
2013 Feburary

I blog about what I want and when I want. A lot of this stuff will be write ups of projects I'm on with the occasional extended comment on someone else's work. As much as possible I'll try to keep it interesting but I make no promises.